Sunday, April 19

cherry blossom parade

Today was a frickin hot day for us san franciscans! I am a sunset girl and will take the fog over sun any day so today all I wanted to do was stay in my apartment and hide from those bright rays. However that would mean i'd have clean my apartment which I guess I hate that more than being in the sun. For some reason I decided to check out the cherry blossom parade even though I've always said I didn't want to go because there are too many people. So I ventured down to Japan town and walked preppy side of filmore and into Jtown. Holy moly was I right about the crowds of people and it was hot! I decided to do a little walk around and pushed my through snapping pictures if there was ever a space between heads and a good shot to take. It took me two hours to walk three blocks down and back and I was sweating almost as much as after one of my bikram yoga classes. I am not totally enthralled with any of the pictures I took but truly feel I worked hard for each shot captured so much so that I actually wrote all this down so everyone can know what a bitch it was for me to do. I can just hear my mom's voice saying "you must really love it" I'll post more pitures later...

1 comment:

  1. Funny...I was in that neighborhood for a few minutes Sunday, too, meeting friends at the Kabuki Hotel. We stuck to the Geary side of things, avoided the crowds. Some nice shots, dear.
